8736 Stewarts Ferry Drive #404, Gladeville, TN 37071

Contact Us: (615) 784-5966 


Frequently Asked Questions

Are you an eDiscovery software company?

No. We do consulting. We will not be trying to sell you software.

Are you a managed services provider?

No. We are consultants for small firms who take on big companies.

So what is it you do?

We walk you through the eDiscovery process. We start at day one with the legal hold, advise you on the meet & confer and all the way through the last of the discovery phase.

Why do I need your services?

Gone are the days of banker boxes full of discovery being hauled into the courtroom. We are now in an age of huge amounts of data. When the defendant is compiling that data, don't you want to know if it is forensically sound?

What makes you an expert?

We have more than 10 years of eDiscovery Experience. We are Certified eDiscovery Specialists who know how the leverage the eDiscovery process to your advantage.

Why isn't a pdf file enough?

You need to know their process. What dates did they search? What locations? What were the search terms? Was there any culling of the documents? What was their quality control process?

Will opposing counsel simply provide me with the correct documents?

That is not always the case. eDiscovery is very expensive for large corporations. They have a lot of data that needs to be searched. If they can just hand you some documents and say, "that's all," some will.

Won't I need to hire someone to help me search all the documents as well?

You might. But you might not. We have attorneys on staff with more than 10 years' worth of experience searching documents using key words. They are also trained in multiple review platforms. If it's not something we can do, we can advise you on the best affordable solution.

How much do your services cost?

Our consultants charge $100/hour. However, we offer a free 1-hour consultation.

Areas of Expertise

File Review
Data Mapping
Legal Holds
Early Case Assessment
Meet & Confer
Instructions for RFPs
Cost effective review solutions
Searches and search connectors
Limitations on production
Claw back agreements
Fields to be produced
Culling of documents
Sample searches
Bulk coding
Privilege Logs
Quality control
eDiscovery Statutes & Case Law
Give us a call for a free consultation: (615) 784-5966              
